CARDEEskwela shared the gift of financial cheer this Christmas season

San Pablo City, Philippines [December 20, 2014] – During the holiday season, CARD Bank, Inc.   conducted CARDEEskwela to CARD MRI employees’ children. It was attended by 29 kids  3 to 12 years old, together with 18 parents from different institutions of CARD MRI.


The event raised the awareness of the children about CARD MRI as well as financial management. Ms. Dolores M. Torres – President and CEO of CARD Bank, Inc. and Ms. Flordeliza L. Sarmiento – President and CEO of Rizal Rural Bank (Taytay, Rizal), Inc.  imparted the story of CARD MRI. They used visuals that were greatly appreciated and understood by children.

 The story they shared gave the children a glance of their parents’ job and how it helps in achieving the mission and vision of CARD MRI.


Financial management sessions were conveyed using different methods suited to the participants’ ages. They were delivered through storytelling, film showing, interactive lectures and games.

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During the sessions, the participants learned the value of saving. They were taught on how they can spend, save and donate their own money. Participants were also taught to identify the difference between the needs and wants. 

Before the financial management sessions ended, practical applications of what kids have learned from the sessions were also conducted. It was done through poster making contest. Kids creatively drew their ideas on how they can save for a brighter future. They were also guided in making simple decisions on how they can spend, save or donate the prizes (play money) they have won during the game. The results were overwhelming. At a very young age, they have a genuine perception on how they can spend, save and donate through their simple ways. Kids decided to save 50%, spend 35% and donate 15% of the total prizes they have won.

DSC_0559a DSC_0383aAt the later part of the event, there was a soft launching of Maagap Savers Club. The club enables the Maagap Savers to learn financial management through workshops and interactive activities like CARDEEskwela. Members of the club have also an opportunity to receive freebies and other perks based on their Average Daily Balance (ADB).

Certificates were awarded and winner of the poster making contest and recipients of other special awards were recognized. Kids also took their oath of commitment of being a wise financial manager. There was also a meet and greet with CARDEE. And to feel the spirit of Christmas, Ms. Torres gave Maagap Gift Card (MGC) to children. It is a gift card packed with prepaid deposit amount and a coin bank worth 20 pesos. The prepaid amount can be used as initial or additional deposit to Maagap Account. Kids were also treated with loot bags and coin banks as souvenir. Of all the  gifts they received, the most important was the gift of financial education shared by CARDEEskwela, which is the foundation needed by children to develop healthy financial habit in the future.

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